Hopes and Dragonflies

Hopes and Dragonflies – Group show

May 29th – September 29th, 2006

(Italian text below)
if those hopes are overshadowed/cotton candy, caramel apple REM, Reveal, 2001

Passing through the works of Tobias Collier, Amande In, Antonio Rovaldi, Marinella Senatore and Noah Sherwood, the show proposes investigation and underlining of certain aspects of the objective of contemporary art.
The precarious state, mutation or instability of the brain storming are in Hopes and Dragonflies these strong points of the artworks and the fundamental elements are their completion.

The works of the five artists share a dialogue within the gallery space, revealing certain interesting analogies: from the absolute casual collecting of The Pack by Tobias Collier with the impalpability of the sound installation of Marinella Senatore (in collaboration with sound designer and composer Roberto Fiore), composed of varied and numerous white noise of Madrid radio, accompanied by the imperceptible shades of landscape of Main expressed by Rovaldi and the sculptures by Noah Sherwood, made of inert materials manipulated by time that express intangible tensions and mutations, and bringing the show to a close is the site specific work of Amande In, control over the piece cannot be determined by the artist, the artwork’s title will be determined just with its culmination.

The red thread that joins the works in a correspondant relationship is done so in a lighter matter, nearly lacking in consistency, of which the objects are made, in the probabilities for which their existence has been decided and in those of, in future times, will give off its effective permanence.

Along with the show, we will present the publication of the ongoing project of Rä di Martino “works that could be mine & works that I would like to be mine” with the contribution of the artists who participated in Hopes and Dragonflies.


Tobias Collier (Turo, Cornovaglia, 1972. Lives in London).
Personal Shows: 2006 VideoInvitational, curated by Milovan Farronato, Via Farini; 2002, No more stars-Astronomers, Tommy Lund Gallery, Copenhagen; 1998 Drawn, VTO Gallery, London.
Collective Shows: 2005, There is no way of telling a story without telling my own, Voges + Patner, Frankfurt; 2004, Another Zero, GAMEC Bergamo; Our present knowledge of the universe, Hinterconti, Hamburg.

Amande In (Les Lilas, France, 1981. Lives between Paris and Nice).
Personal Shows: 2006: Mystere, Institute of Finland, Paris; Detours, Frederic Giroux Gallery, Paris;
Collective Shows: 2006 Until it makes sense, curated by James Brook, Thaddeus Ropac Gallery, Paris and Seventeen Gallery, London; 2005 Printing Matters, Witte de With-Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam; 2004 Ghostscapes, curated by Philippe Rahm, Villa Savoye, Le Corbusier Museum, Poissy, France.

Antonio Rovaldi (Parma, 1975. Lives between Milan and New York).
Personal Shows: 2006 Notes from the city, notes from the land, The Leroy Neiman Gallery, New York, The New York Prize, Italian Academy at Columbia University, New York; 2005 Marcamenti, curated by Davide Ferri, Museo dell’Arredo Contemporaneo, Ravenna; Cari Signori, Monitor Gallery; 2004 Sopra il luogo; Alessandro De March, Milan;
Collective Shows: 2005 Untitled, Spazio ViaVentura, Milan; ViaFarini, Corso Superiore Arti Visive, Fondazione Ratti, curated by Roberto Pinto and Giacinto di Pietrantonio.

Marinella Senatore (Cava dei Tirreni, 1977. Lives in Madrid).
Personal Shows: 2004, Monitor Gallery, Roma; 2003 Galleria T293, Naples.
Collective Shows: 2006, Estetica Della resistenza, Corso Superiore Arti Visive Fondazione Ratti Como, presso Assab One, Milan, curated by Roberto Pinto and Anna Daneri; 2005: Loop, curated by Lorenzo Benedetti and Francesco Stocchi, Angelo Mai, Roma; Thin Line, curated by Milovan farronato, ViaFarina, Milan; 2004, Biennale di Tel Aviv, curated by Cristinana Perrella.

Noah Sherwood (Montreal, Canada, 1976. Lives in London).
Collective Shows: 2006 Sparkle la Vie, London; 2005: London in Zurich, Hauser & Wirth, Zurich; Mobile, Fortescue Avenue, London; East and Academy, Whitechapel Gallery, London; 004: Zoo Art Fair, Baklashop (with Chris Davies), 2003 Baklashop (with Chris Davies), Rockwell, Londra; Jerwood Sculpture Prize, London

Hopes and Dragonflies – Group show

29 maggio – 29 settembre 2006

if those hopes are overshadowed/cotton candy, caramel apple REM, Reveal, 2001

Attraverso le opere di Tobias Collier, Amande In, Antonio Rovaldi, Marinella Senatore e Noah Sherwood, la mostra si propone di indagare e sottolineare alcuni aspetti dell’oggetto artistico contemporaneo.
Lo stato di precarietà, mutevolezza o incostanza del processo compositivo costituiscono in Hopes and Dragonflies i punti di forza dell’opera e gli elementi fondamentali del percorso che porta al suo compimento.

I lavori dei cinque artisti dialogano nello spazio della galleria rivelando alcune interessanti analogie: dalla assoluta casualità del making di The Pack di Tobias Collier all’impalpabilità dell’installazione sonora di Marinella Senatore (in collaborazione con il sound designer Roberto Fiore), composta dai vari e numerosi bianchi delle radio madrilene, passando attraverso le impercettibili sfumature del paesaggio del Maine di Rovaldi e le sculture di Noah Sherwood, realizzate con materiali inerti e manipolati nel tempo, che esprimono uno stato di tensione e mutamento, per arrivare infine all’opera site specific della giovanissima Amande In, che si sottrae al controllo della stessa artista, la quale non potrà determinarne né l’aspetto né il titolo prima della sua conclusione.

Il filo rosso che unisce le opere in un rapporto di corrispondenze sta nella materia leggera, quasi inconsistente, di cui esse sono fatte, nel calcolo delle probabilità che ne hanno deciso l’esistenza e in quelle che, nel tempo, ne permetteranno l’effettiva permanenza.

In occasione della mostra sarà presentata la pubblicazione dell’ongoing project di Rä di Martino “works that could be mine & works that I would like to be mine” con il contributo degli artisti che hanno partecipato a Hopes and Dragonflies.


Tobias Collier (Truro, Cornovaglia, 1972, Vive a Londra).
Mostre personali: 2006 VideoInvitational, a cura di Milovan Farronato, ViaFarini; 2002, No more stars-Astronomers, Galleri Tommy Lund, Copenaghen; 1998 Drawn, VTO Gallery, Londra.
Mostre collettive: 2005, There is no way of telling a story without telling my own, Voges + Patner, Francoforte; 2004, Another Zero, GAMEC Bergamo; Our present knowledge of the universe, Hinterconti, Amburgo;

Amande In (Les Lilas, Francia, 1981. Vive fra Parigi e Nizza).
Mostre personali: 2006: Mystére, Institut Finlandais, Parigi; Détours, galerie Frédéric Giroux, Paris;
Mostre collettive: 2006 Until it makes sense, a cura di James Brook, Galerie Thaddeus Ropac, Paris and Seventeen Gallery, London; 2005 Printing Matters, Witte de With-Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam; 2004 Ghostscapes, a cura di Philippe Rahm, Villa Savoye, Le Corbusier Museum, Poissy, Francia.

Antonio Rovaldi (Parma, 1975. Vive tra Milano e New York).
Mostre Personali: 2006 Notes from the city, notes from the land, The Leroy Neiman Gallery, New York, The New York Prize, Italian Academy at Columbia University, New York; 2005 Marcamenti, a cura di Davide Ferri, Museo dell’Arredo Contemporaneo, Ravenna; Cari Signori, Galleria Monitor;.2004 Sopra il luogo, Alessandro De March, Milano;
Mostre Collettive: 2005 Untitled, Spazio ViaVentura, Milano; ViaFarini, Corso Superiore Arti Visive, Fondazione Ratti, a cura di Roberto Pinto e Giacinto di Pietrantonio.

Marinella Senatore (Cava dei Tirreni, 1977. Vive a Madrid).
Mostre personali: 2004, Galleria Monitor, Roma; 2003 Galleria T293, Napoli.
Mostre collettive: 2006, Estetica della Resistenza, Corso Superiore Arti Visive Fondazione Ratti Como, presso Assab One, Milano, a cura di Roberto Pinto e Anna Daneri; 2005: Loop, a cura di Lorenzo Benedetti e Francesco Stocchi, Angelo Mai, Roma; Thin Line, a cura di Milovan Farronato, ViaFarini,Milano; 2004, Biennale di Tel Aviv, a cura di Cristiana Perrella.

Noah Sherwood (Montréal, Canada, 1976. Vive a Londra).
Mostre collettive: 2006 Sparkle la vie, Londra; 2005: London in Zurich, Hauser & Wirth, Zurigo; Mobile, Fortescue Avenue, Londra; East and accademy, Whitechapel Gallery, Londra; 2004: Zoo Art Fair, Baklashop (with Chris Davies), 2003 Baklashop (with Chris Davies), Rockwell, Londra; Jerwood Sculpture Prize, London.