Graham Hudson

Graham Hudson – Solo show

Opening March 5th 2007 at 6p.m.

(Italian text below)

The gallery Monitor is pleased to present English artist Graham Hudson’s first solo show in Italy.
This is the second appointment in the gallery’s short-term residency programme for young international artists.
Following his circa six-month project of the monumental and incessant construction of an inhabitable structure as part of the sculpture park in London’s Parade Ground, located between the Tate Britain and the Chelsea College of Art, Graham Hudson has now developed a site-specific project for the gallery’s exhibition space.
As with “Residence”, the sculpture/house made with the support of the Henry Moore Foundation, so in Rome the artist continues his investigation of salvage materials, objects dug up in bric-a-brac stores, wood abandoned on street corners and places fallen into disuse.
In a continual, apparently random, but absolutely appropriate assembly that lends itself quite naturally to the construction of the structure that incorporates the space of the gallery, this structure transforms the gallery into a surreal and fantastic set, in perfect balance between a construction site, almost a recently abandoned corner at the city’s thresholds, and a small, alienated cul-de-sac.

Graham Hudson

Graham Hudson, Sussex, 1977. He currently lives in Los Angeles for the residency programme Raid Projects.

Solo shows:
2007 Rokeby, London (upcoming); 2006 ZingerPresents, Amsterdam; Mark Moore Gallery, Los Angeles; 2005 Rokeby, London; VTO, London; Jerwood Artist’s Platform, Jerwood Space, London.

Group Shows:
2006 Saudade, Highbury Studios; 2005 Seventeen Presents, Seventeen, London; Acid Rain, Glassbox, Paris; Larry’s Cocktails, Gagosian Gallery, Heddon St, London; Open Garden, Fortescue Avenue/Johnathon Viner, London; 2004 Collage, Bloomberg Space, London.

Until April 5th, 2007

The exhibition was made possible with the support of the British Council.

Graham Hudson – Solo show

Opening 5 marzo 2007 ore 18.30

La galleria Monitor è orgogliosa di presentare per la sua prima personale in Italia e secondo appuntamento del programma di brevi residenze per giovani artisti internazionali, Graham Hudson (Sussex, 1977).
Dopo il progetto che lo ha visto impegnato nella monumentale ed incessante costruzione (durata circa sei mesi) di una vera e propria struttura abitativa con annesso parco-sculture nella piazza di Parade Ground a Londra, tra la Tate Britain e il Chelsea College of Art, Graham Hudson ha ora sviluppato nella città di Roma un progetto site specific per lo spazio della galleria.
Così come in “Residence” dunque, casa/scultura realizzata grazie al supporto della Henry Moore Foundation, anche nella capitale l’artista prosegue la sua ricerca di materiali di recupero, oggetti scovati in negozi di bric a brac, legni abbandonati agli angoli delle strade e in luoghi in disuso, in un continuo assemblaggio apparentemente casuale ma assolutamente appropriato che conduce quasi naturalmente alla costruzione della struttura che ingloba i volumi della galleria, fino a trasformarsi in uno scenario surreale e fantastico, assolutamente in bilico tra un cantiere in costruzione, quasi un angolo appena abbandonato alle soglie della città, ed un piccolo straniante cul-de-sac.

Graham Hudson

Graham Hudson, Sussex 1977, attualmente a Los Angeles per il programma di residenze Raid Projects.

Solo Show:
200/ Rokeby, London, upcoming; 2006 ZingerPresents, Amsterdam; Mark Moore Gallery, Los Angeles; 2005 Rokeby Londra; VTO Londra; Jerwood Artist’s Platform, Jerwood Space, Londra.

Group Show:
2006 Saudade, Highbury Studios; 2005, Seventeen Presents, Seventeen, Londra; Acid Rain, Glassbox, Parigi; Larry’s Cocktails, Gagosian, Heddon St., Londra; Open Garden, Fortescue Avenue/Johnathon Viner, Londra; 2004 Collage, Bloomberg Space, Londra

Fino al 5 aprile 2007

La mostra è realizzata con il supporto del British Council