Ian Tweedy

Born in Hahn, Germany, 1982. Lives and works in New York.



BA in Visual Arts at the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (NABA), Milano, Italy



Wait in Line, Monitor Lisbon

GRUND, Marinaro, New York

My wall, Monitor Rome

Descent, Untitled, New York

My Neighbors The Von Stauffenbergs, Monitor Rome
Post Red Scare Raid (After the Triumphs of Caesar by Andrea Mantegna) The Arts Club, London, UK
A Line describing the Surface, Museion, Bolzano

A Long Story, Untitled, New York

Retracing my steps, Painting Performance, Complesso Santo Spirito in Sassia, Rome, Italy. Curated by Ludovico Pratesi and Valentina Ciarallo
Debris, Monitor, Rome

70 Zeppelins, EX3 Centro per l’Arte Contemporaneo, Florence. Curated by Lorenzo Giusti
No Soul for Sale, A Festival of Independents, Perfomance for Mousse Magazine, X Initiative, New York. Curated by Cecilia Alemani
Olympia, WA and a Portriat of a Picture, Studio Dabbeni, Lugano
Without a Glimmer of Remorse, Monitor Gallery, Roma

I’ll Meet You at the Rendezvous, GAMeC – Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bergamo, Curated by Alessandro Rabottini,

It’s Only a Matter of Time, Studio Dabbeni, Lugano, Switzerland

A History out of Context, Prometeogallery, Milan




That’s IT! Sull’ultima generazione di artisti in Italia e a un metro e ottanta dal confineMAMbo, Bologna

Quarter I 2016, Hooper Projects, Los Angeles
Imagine, Brand New Gallery, Milan

Un’Idea di Pittura II, Monitor Studio, New York
Un’Idea di Pittura I, Monitor Rome
The indipendent: Dreams That Money Can’t Buy, a project by Cura, Maxxi Museum, Rome

Le ragioni della pittura. Esiti e prospettive di un medium., Curated by Laura Cherubini, Eugenio Viola. Palazzo de Sanctis, Castelbasso (Teramo)

Les Associations libres, a project organized by Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art, in range of the exhibition: Retour à l’intime, la collection Giulian et Tommaso Setari. Le Maison Rouge, Paris

Summer Show, Galerie Diana Stigter, Amsterdam, NL
Art Works, Deutsche Bank Collection Group Head Office, Frankfurt, Germany
Wallpaperism, Motel Campo, curated by Nick Oberthaler, Geneva, Switzerland
COSA FA LA MIA ANIMA MENTRE STO LAVORANDO?, curated by Francesca Pasini and Angela Vettese, The Consolandi Collection, MAGA Museum, Varese, Italy

VideoREPORT ITALIA 2008-09, Galleria Comunale d’arte Contemporanea di Monfalcone, Monfalcone, curated by Andrea Bruciati
Il Museo Privato. La Passione per l’Arte Contemporanea nelle Collezioni Bergamasche, GAMeC- Galleria d’arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bergamo, curated by Giacinto di Pietrantonio
21 x 21 – Twenty one artists for the 21st Century, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, curated by Francesco Bonami
Display 2, Studio Dabbeni, Lugano, Switzerland
Milano/Marseille #2 Mal d’Archives, La Friche la belle de mai, Marseille, curated by Katia Anguelova and Chiara Agnello.

Look at me, Faces and the Gazes in Art 1969 – 2009, Museo Cantonale d’arte, Lugano, Switzerland, curated by Marco Franciolli and Bettina Della Casa
Usages de Document, Centre Culturel Suisse à Paris, Paris, France
IMO3 – L’Immagine Sottile, Galleria Comunale Di Monfalcone (GO), curated by Andrea Bruciati

50 Moons of Saturn, Triennale di Torino, Castello di Rivoli (TO), curated by Daniel Birnbaum
Same Democracy, Neon>Campobase, Bologna, curated by Marinella Paderni and Elvira Vannini

Der Prozess, Prague Biennale 3, Prague, curated by Marco Scotini.
Cities from Below, Fondazione Teseco, Pisa, curated by Marco Scotini

Capital Culture, Prometeogallery, Milan, Italy
The People’s Choice: Tools for an Art and Community Center, Isola Art Center, Milan, Italy, curated by Marco Scotini.
Un lavoro fatto ad arte, Palazzo Te, Mantova, curated by Veronica Pirola

Who Uses the Space?, Isola Art Center, Milano, curated by Marco Scotini



Premio Lissone, Museo D’Arte Contemporaneo, Lissone (IT), curated by Flaminio Gualdoni



21 x 21-Twentyone artists for the 21st Century, exhibition catalogue. Fondazione Sandretto ReRebaudengo, Torino. Skira
70 Zeppelins, exhibition catalogue. EX3, Firenze. M&M Maschietto Editore

Look At me, Faces and Gazes in Art 1969 – 2009, exhibition catalogue. Museo Cantonale d’Arte, Lugano. Skira
Alessandro Rabottini, The Spirit in any condition does not burn, Premio FURLA, Young Italian Artists, CHARTA

Daniel Birnbaum, 50 Moons of Saturn, T2 Torino Triennale Curated by Daniel Birnbaum, exhibition Catalogue, Skira
Alessandro Rabottini, Luca Cerizza Ian Tweedy – I’ll Meet You at the Rendezvous, exhibition catalogue, GAMeC – Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo, Lubrina Editore
Andrea Bruciati, -30: pratiche pittoriche in Italia, exhibition catalogue, Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea della Repubblica di San Marino
Marco Scotini, Ian Tweedy, Temporale, Edizioni Studio Dabbeni, n. 66-67
Focus Italy: Artists dictionary, Flash Art International, n. 260
Roberta Tenconi, Introducing Ian Tweedy, Mousse Magazine, n. 13
Dizionario della giovane arte Italiana, Flash Art Italia, n. 268
Roberta Tenconi, Permission to Stay, Flash Art Italia, n. 268
Marco Scotini, La Macchina del tempo, Arte e Critica, n. 53

Alessandro Rabottini, Ian Tweedy, Work – Art in Progress, Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea di Trento, n. 20
Marco Scotini, Ian Tweedy, Temporale, Edizioni Studio Dabbeni, n. 64-65
Marco Scotini, Ouverture: Ian Tweedy, Flash Art Italia, n. 264
Speciale Milano: Dizionario della giovane arte milanese, Flash Art Italia, n. 263

Rosella Moratto, Muresan/Tweedy, Arte e Critica, n. 4
Marco Scotini, Ian Tweedy, The End MagazineIan Tweedy, “Self-portrait”, Tema Celeste, n. 113
Un Lavoro Fatto ad Arte, exhibition catalogue, Palazzo Te, Mantova, Michele di Fiore Editore

Premio Lissone, exhibition catalogue, Museo d’Arte Contemporaneo.