Guido van der Werve
Guido van der Werve – Solo show
Opening December 12th, 2005
(Italian text below)
Infused with a dreamlike and surreal atmosphere in which music played and sometimes composed by the artist plays a fundamental role, the videos of Guido van der Werve lead the viewer into an imaginary and mysterious environment, in which scenes where ballerinas dressed in either clothing from the 1700s or sometimes white tulle interchange with odd scenes from quotidian life.
The landscape, colours and light are integral to the construction of images that make the works of the artist seem like real tableaux vivants in which the movements of the protagonists and video camera are perfectly calibrated, refined and precious.
The camera investigates the streets and buildings of Amsterdam, the interiors, the grey skies, and the vivid green of the grass, halting just seconds before unveiling the mystery inside them.
For his first solo exhibition in Italy, at the gallery Monitor, the artist has chosen to present a selection of videos, including his most recent work, Nummer Vier, filmed in 2005 in Holland and Finland.
Guido van der Werve
Guido van der Werve, 1977 Papendrecht, The Netherlands.
Solo exhibitions:
– “I don’t want to get involved in this”, Muu Gallery, Helsinki;
– “We would feel much worse, if it wouldn’t be for the heavy sedatives”, Gallery Olaf Stüber’, Berlin.
– “I don’t want to get involved in this”, Pand Paulus, Schiedam;
– “Renè Coelho award 2003”, The Netherlands Media Art Institute, Montevideo/TimeBasedArts, Amsterdam.
In 2005 the artist was nominated for the Prix de Rome, De Appel, Amsterdam.
Guido van der Werve – Solo show
Opening 12 Dicembre 2005
Pervasi da un’atmosfera onirica e surreale, in cui gioca un ruolo fondamentale la musica, suonata e a volte composta dallo stesso artista, i video di Guido van der Werve trascinano lo spettatore in un contesto fantastico e misterioso, in cui ballerine in abiti settecenteschi o avvolte in bianco tulle si alternano a strane scene di vita vissuta.
Il paesaggio, i colori e la luce giocano un ruolo fondamentale nella costruzione delle immagini che fanno apparire i lavori dell’artista dei veri e propri tableaux vivant, in cui i movimenti dei protagonisti e della stessa macchina solo perfettamente calibrati, ricercati, preziosi.
La telecamera indaga le strade e i palazzi di Amsterdam, gli interni, i cieli grigi e il verde acceso dell’erba, fermandosi esattamente un attimo prima dello svelamento del mistero che le abita.
Per la prima personale in Italia alla galleria Monitor, l’artista ha scelto di esporre una selezione dei suoi video, includendo il suo ultimo lavoro Nummer Vier, girato nel 2005 tra l’Olanda e la Finlandia.
Guido van der Werve
Guido van der Werve, 1977 Papendrecht, The Netherlands.
Mostre personali:
– “I don’t want to get involved in this”, Muu Gallery, Helsinki;
– “We would feel much worse, if it wouldn’t be for the heavy sedatives”, Gallery Olaf Stuber’, Berlino.
– “I don’t want to get involved in this”, Pand Paulus, Schiedam;
– “Renè Coelho award 2003”, The Netherlands Media art Institute, Montevideo/TimeBasedArts, Amsterdam.
Nel 2005 è stato nominato al Prix de Rome, De Appel, Amsterdam.
Testo Critico di Angela Serino
La mostra è in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata del Regno dei Paesi Bassi.